New posts in rubiks-cube

Is there a sudoku (Latin Square Pattern) state in a Rubik's cube $6\times6\times6?$

Solving $3\times 3\times 3$ Rubik's cube positions using a $4\times 4\times 4$ cube?

How to find the order of a Rubik's cube algorithm?

Generating lookup tables for Thistlethwaite's algorithm

Creating a Rubik's Cube Algorithm

Random solving of a Rubik cube .

Is it possible to shuffle a 3x3 Rubik's cube so that there's no more than 2 pieces of the same color in every face?

Conjugates and commutators for twisty puzzles -- so what?

Solving a scrambled $3 \times 3 \times 3$ Rubik's Cube with at most 20 moves!

What are the 2125922464947725402112000 symmetries of a Rubik's Cube?

Orders of moves in the Rubik's cube

Corner Swappings on Rubiks Cube

How many disconnected graphs of the Rubik's cube exist?

What are some Group representation of the rubik's cube group?

Mathematics Behind the 4×4 and 5×5 Rubik's Cube

Rubik's cube function

Can RUBIK's cube be solved using group theory?

Literature on group theory of Rubik's Cube

Minimum number of steps needed to solve a rubik cube

Presentation of Rubik's Cube group