New posts in rubiks-cube

Order of the Rubik's cube group

Rubik's cube interesting questions?

$45^\circ$ Rubik's Cube: proving $\arccos ( \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} - \frac{1}{4} )$ is an irrational angle?

Rubik Cube finite non-abelian group

Is there a "most random" state in Rubik's cube?

Obscuring squares of Rubik's cube

Can you uniquely define a cube knowing the color of the faces but not its orientation?

Proof that the Rubik’s Cube group is 2-generated

Why should Rubik's cube get attention from mathematicians?

Minimal generating set of Rubik's Cube group

Solving Rubik's cube and other permutation puzzles

Number of moves necessary to solve Rubik's cube by pure chance

Determine the highest order of an element of a Rubik's Cube group

How can I obtain or sample a random Rubiks Cube shuffle?

Brute force method of solving the cube: How many moves would it take?

Rubik's Cube Not a Group?

Can a Rubik's cube be mapped knowing only two sides?

Is there (or can there be) a general algorithm to solve Rubik's cubes of any dimension?

How to tell if a Rubik's cube is solvable?