New posts in rotations

Finding rotation of 3 given lines in 3D until intersection with 3 other given lines

Rotating vector functions

How to rotate a matrix by 45 degrees?

Efficient and Accurate Numerical Implementation of the Inverse Rodrigues Rotation Formula (Rotation Matrix -> Axis-Angle)

Quaternion integration

The rotation of dice on a grid

What goes wrong in my parametric equation for it to produce only a partial rotation of the graph of $f(x)=\cos(x)$?

How can I convert an axis-angle representation to a Euler angle representation

How can I rotate a coordinate around a circle?

What is a good geometric interpretation of quaternion multiplication?

Are Euler angle figures wrong?

Can octonions be used to rotate 7-dimensional vectors?

Extrinsic and intrinsic Euler angles to rotation matrix and back

Geometry of the Cayley Transform

Comparing two rotation matrices

What kind of transformation an upper triangular matrix represents

Cone in spherical coordinates after rotation

How to prove this equality with rotation matrix

$n$-dimensional rotation along a 2D arbitrary plane

Question regarding basis vectors of root reference frame...