New posts in rotations

Rotate the graph of a function?

Scaling and rotating a square so that it is inscribed in the original square

Finding the area of the shaded square inside a square created by connecting point-opposite midpoint [closed]

Sample a random rotation in $n$ dimensions

Decomposing a quarternion into unit axes rotations

Figuring out matrix convention

What's the intuition behind the 2D rotation matrix?

Rotating all sides of a polygon around its centre such that one of its sides are parallell to the x-axis [closed]

Finding a specific Rotation matrix given a known vector

Understanding the derivation of Axis-Angle matrix visually

Integrating body angular velocity

I'm trying to find where a "3D logarithmic spiral" converges.

Show that $\mathrm{SO}_3(\mathbb{Q}_p) \simeq \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Q}_p) $

Aren't asteroids contradicting Euler's rotation theorem?

Why does the use of the sign function work in this rotation formula?

Averaging quaternions

Complex eigenvalues of a rotation matrix

clamp Spherical coordinates to latitude/longitude

The difference between applying a rotation matrix to a vector (points) and to a matrix (transformation)

calculate $\cos(\alpha+\beta)$ and $\sin(\alpha+\beta)$