New posts in permutations

What's the name of this quantity?

Number of permutations with restrictions

A Proof of Correctness of Durstenfeld's Random Permutation Algorithm

Probability that two random permutations of an $n$-set commute?

To find the total no. of six digit numbers that can be formed having property that every succeeding digit is greater than preceding digit. [closed]

Finding the smallest set on which a group acts faithfully

Show that there is no subgroup of $S_n$ of order $(n-1)!/n$.

Generating a random derangement

Distinct permutations of the word "toffee"

How is $\mathrm{PGL}(V)$ a subgroup of $\mathrm{P\Gamma L}(V)$?

How to find the order of a Rubik's cube algorithm?

Show that there exists a permutation satisfying a congruence equation.

Find the number of different colorings of the faces of the cube with 2 white, 1 black, 3 red faces?

Equivalence of skew-symmetric matrices

Permutation Representations and Group Actions

How many solutions does the equation $\sum_{i=1}^{k}{x_i}=c$ have, given that the $x_i\in\mathbb{Z}$ and $0\leq x_i\leq d$?

Two squares are chosen at random on a chessboard. What is the probability that they have a side in common?

Finding a permutation, and number of, from powers of the permutation

How many ways are there to fill up a $2n \times 2n$ matrix with $1, -1$?

Permutation - how to order 6 elements out of 13 with 3 conditions