New posts in skew-symmetric-matrices

Equivalence of skew-symmetric matrices

Problem in skew-symmetric matrix

Suppose $A$ is a $ 3 × 3$ matrix and it satisfies $ A^T = −A$. Prove that $\det(A)= 0$. [duplicate]

What is a skew-symmetric matrix?

Skew symmetric tensor

Why are skew-symmetric matrices of interest?

Under what conditions can we find a basis of a Lie algebra such that the adjoint representation acts by skew-symmetric matrices?

Prove that the set of skew-symmetric matrices is closed under addition

Existence of the Pfaffian?

Is it possible to have a $3 \times 3$ matrix that is both orthogonal and skew-symmetric?

Matrix exponential of a skew-symmetric matrix without series expansion

Why are all nonzero eigenvalues of the skew-symmetric real matrices pure imaginary?

Dimensions of symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices

Proof that the rank of a skew-symmetric matrix is at least $2$