New posts in computational-complexity

Finding the smallest set on which a group acts faithfully

Ultrafinitism and the denial of existence of $\lfloor e^{e^{e^{79}}} \rfloor$

Divisor summatory function for squares

What is the most efficient algorithm for factorisation when an approximate value of one factor is known

An interesting way of producing positive integers

How does one interpret statements like: "The traveling salesman problem is NP-complete?"

Natural class of functions whose $\mathcal O$-sets are linearly ordered

Is $(\log(n))!$ a polynomially bounded function?

Show that minimal CFG is undecidable (Sipser 5.36)

Algorithm for a deck manipulation

Proving that one has solved chess by exhibiting the zeroes of polynomials over finite fields?

What is the difference between the Big O and Big O star (asterisk) operator?

Why isn't integer factorization in complexity P, when you can factorize n in O(√n) steps?

Has there been a rigorous analysis of Strassen's algorithm?

How hard is it to do arithmetic?

Time complexity of a modulo operation

Expected value for advent of code (average case complexity)

What are "oracle results"?

Growth rate of $n^{\sin n}$

Can you win the monochromatic urn game?