New posts in context-free-grammar

Construct grammar given the following language {a^n b^m | n,m = 0,1,2,...,n <= 2m} [closed]

Show that minimal CFG is undecidable (Sipser 5.36)

Context-free grammars versus context-sensitive grammars?

How to prevent duplications when generating strings from context free grammar

How to create a grammar for complement of $a^nb^n$?

A computer's memory is finite, so how can there be languages more powerful than regular?

What is the language of this deterministic finite automata?

Can a regular grammar be ambiguous?

Is D's grammar really context-free?

Generating functions for context-free languages

Tips for creating "Context Free Grammar"

What are the differences between PEGs and CFGs?

What programming languages are context-free?

Difference between an LL and Recursive Descent parser?

What is a Context Free Grammar?

Regular vs Context Free Grammars

Finding Context Free Grammar for a language

Eilenberg's rational hierarchy of nonrational automata & languages

Determining Ambiguity in Context Free Grammars

An efficient way to determine if two context free grammars are equivalent?