New posts in turing-machines

Show that minimal CFG is undecidable (Sipser 5.36)

Hopping to infinity along a string of digits

What's a Turing machine?

Show that the question "Is there life beyond earth?" is decidable

Text books on computability

Please explain this Turing Machine simulator written in Prolog

What is the difference between a shuffle and a permutation?

The mother of all undecidable problems

Why can Conway’s Game of Life be classified as a universal machine?

Turing machine vs Von Neuman machine

When have you come upon the halting problem in the field? [closed]

What breaks the Turing Completeness of simply typed lambda calculus?

How do we know that the P versus NP problem is an NP problem itself?

Proving a language is not recognizable

How large is the set of all Turing machines?

How to show that if there's a mapping reduction from L to its complement, it doesn't imply that L∈R?

Where is the theorem related to the construction of countable admissible ordinals by Turing machines with oracles?

Why did nobody prove undecidability by the "too many problems" argument?

How can Busy beaver($10 \uparrow \uparrow 10$) have no provable upper bound?

How can we know we're not accidentally talking about non-standard integers?