New posts in proof-theory

Are coinductive proofs necessary?

Clarification regarding substitution in sequent calculus

Understanding the meaning of $\forall,\exists$ rules in sequent calculus.

Intutive explanation of the PCP Theorem

Examples of provably${}^n$ unprovable statements

Is there a "logical algebraic geometry" based on provability rather than truth?

What is finitistic reasoning?

Is it a paradox if I prove something as unprovable?

Decidability vs Completeness

What is the so-called eigenvariable or parameter in natural deduction?

How do we know PA is incomparable with PRA + $\epsilon_0$?

Model-theory and Proof-theory in Propositional Logic

In mathematical induction, how does assuming $P(n)$ differ from assuming $\forall n : P(n)$?

Is the internal language of a topos complete, sound and effective?

How can I learn about proofs for computer science?

How or why does intutionistic logic proof negations from within the theory, constructively?

Definition of "non-constructive proof"

role of definitions in proofs

What is the point of model theory?

Does an inference rule under natural deduction operate on sequents or formulas?