New posts in meta-math

What are some natural arithmetical statements independent of ZFC?

Is there an effective theory which "solves" the halting problem?

What does "dual statement" mean exactly in category theory?

Are there formal systems that can not be proved to be complete or incomplete?

Definition of "non-constructive proof"

Clarification of a remark of J. Steel on the independence of Goldbach from ZFC

Primitive recursion and $\Delta^0_0$

Has the Gödel sentence been explicitly produced?

Why is everything geometrical modeled on $\Bbb R$?

Formalizing metamathematics

Resources like "How to solve it" by Polya

Formalizing the meta-language of First order Logic and studying it as a formal system

Geometric proof of existence of irrational numbers.

How to address mistakes in published papers?

How rare is it that a theorem with published proof turns out to be wrong?

Is there a way of defining the notion of a variable mathematically?

Common misconceptions about math

Why some people don't like proofs by contradiction [duplicate]

Is this visual analogy to Gödel's incompleteness theorem accurate?

Mathematical structures