New posts in peano-axioms

Really confused about the relationship between set theory, functions, ZFC, Peano axioms, etc.

Does ZFC prove a sentence in the language of arithmetic that PA+Con(ZFC) cannot prove?

What is the difference between "Peano arithmetic," "second-order arithmetic," and "second-order Peano arithmetic?"

Is there an effective theory which "solves" the halting problem?

Is it a paradox if I prove something as unprovable?

How do we know PA is incomparable with PRA + $\epsilon_0$?

Why might Dieudonne have been "begging the question" by appealing to second-order Peano Axioms?

Why does the definition of addition require proofs?

Why wouldn't someone accept Gentzen's consistency proof?

Presburger arithmetic

Who first proved Peano Arithmetic is not finitely axiomatizable?

Peano Arithmetic before Gödel

Gödel's Second Incompleteness Theorem and Arithmetically Non-Definable Theories

Satisfaction of Peano postulates in topos with natural numbers object

Can we prove that odd and even numbers alternate without using induction?

Why are addition and multiplication included in the signature of first-order Peano arithmetic?

Why don't we use Presburger's arithmetic instead of Peano's arithmetic?

Model of Robinson Arithmetic but not Peano Arithmetic

Why is it impossible to define multiplication in Presburger arithmetic?

How to express “b is a power of 10” – Typographical Number Theory in Gödel Escher Bach