New posts in induction

Proof of Leibniz formula from Laplace expansion

Prove by induction $\frac{n^n}{3^n}<n!<\frac{n^n}{2^n}$ [closed]

Is there such a thing as "finite" induction?

Are coinductive proofs necessary?

Prove by induction that $5^n - 1$ is divisible by $4$.

squeeze the floor value of a finite series [duplicate]

Induction to prove that a set of $n+1$ integers between $1$ and $2n$ has at least one number which divides another number in the set [duplicate]

$n^3+n<3^n$ for $n \geq4$ by induction.

Notation for the variable in the inductive step?

$s(n) = a_1 p_1^n + \dots + a_k p_k^n + a_{k + 1}$ is a perfect square for every $n$, prove that $a_1 = a_2 = \dots = a_k = 0$ & $a_{k + 1}$ a square

Proving by mathematical induction: $1+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}+...+\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}>2(\sqrt{n+1}-1)$ [duplicate]

Minimum number of hemispheres covering a sphere

Can every odd integer greater than $1$ be written as a product of fractions $\frac{4m+1}{2m+1}$?

Show that any subgroup of a finitely generated abelian group is finitely generated?

Strong Induction Requires No Base Case?

How to prove that a function defined recursively really exist?

How does one determine which variables to do induction on?

Use Induction to prove recurrence

Induction hypothesis for $n-1$

$1!+2!+\ldots+n!$ cannot be the square of a positive integer