New posts in natural-numbers

Writing numbers with fewer symbols using expressions with powers

How do I prove that there are infinitely many natural numbers $n$ such that $\lfloor\sqrt{3}\cdot\tau(n)\rfloor$ divides $n$?

Bijection between Prime numbers and Natural numbers

A matrix w/integer eigenvalues and trigonometric identity

Extending the primes

Commutativity of multiplication in $\mathbb{N}$

Existence of a sequence that has every element of $\mathbb N$ infinite number of times

Is the value of $\sin(\frac{\pi}{n})$ expressible by radicals?

What formula of ZFC defines the set of natural numbers?

Proving unboundedness of the natural numbers via the Axiom of Completeness

Find the sum of all natural numbers less than and coprime to $N=25200$

Prove that $4$ is the only solution to $2+2$. [duplicate]

How to interpret result of manipulation of $Z^n-X^n$?

How to prove formula related to $2$-adic valuation / $2$-adic absolute value and binary expansion

$H(n)=\lfloor\dfrac{b}{n}\rfloor- \lfloor \dfrac{a}{n} \rfloor=$ (roughly) # odd pairs $o, o+2 \in [a,b]$ such that $n \mid o$ or $n \mid o+2$

The number of ways to represent a natural number as the sum of three different natural numbers

What's the next base-ten non-pandigital factorial number after 41!?

$\mathbb{Z}^{+}$ includes zero or not?

Understanding the meaning of this probability distribution

Consistency of Peano axioms (Hilbert's second problem)?