New posts in geometric-construction

Constructing a circle through a given point, tangent to a given line, and tangent to a given circle

Can a line of π lengths be drawn with a compass and straight edge?

Construct quadrangle with given angles and perpendicular diagonals

How to construct three mutually orthogonal circles in stereographic projection?

Is there a simple perfect squaring of a 1366 by 768 rectangle?

How do you know if a line is straight?

Does there exist a tool to construct a perfect sine wave?

Evaluating $\sum_{k=0}^\infty \left(\frac{1}{5k+1} - \frac{1}{5k+2} - \frac{1}{5k+3} + \frac{1}{5k+4} \right)$

Geometric notion of addition for the real projective line

History of Compass/Straight Edge Construction

Did anyone ever build a mechanical device to take fifth roots, or solve general quintics?

On The Construction Of An Ellipse

Construction of a right triangle

How to construct a square equal to a given triangle.

Compass and ruler construction

What's the value of the area of the triangle $ABC$ below?

If the inradius is $2$ and the segments determined by the circumference inscribed on one side measure $3$ and $5$, find the area of triangle

same distance from a point to 2 non-parallel lines

How to divide a pizza into $n$ parts?

Using a compass and straightedge, what is the shortest way to divide a line segment into $n$ equal parts?