New posts in tiling

Interesting tiling with a lot of symmetrical shapes

Covering any rectangle with this shape is not possible

Is this a new pentagonal tiling?

Is it possible to cover a $70\times70$ torus (or klein bottle/projective plane) with $24$ squares with side length $1,2,3\ldots,24$?

Penrose tilings as a cross section of a $5$-dimensional regular tiling

Edgematching tiles

Smallest number of $45^\circ-60^\circ-75^\circ$ triangles that tile a rectangle

Rolling icosahedron Hamiltonian path

Tiling an $n\times n$ Grid

Is there a simple perfect squaring of a 1366 by 768 rectangle?

If a subset of the square grid can be tiled by $1\times n$ rectangles for every $n$, can it be tiled by infinite rays?

Covering points on a sphere with a disk

If you know that a shape tiles the plane, does it also tile other surfaces?

Tiling a cylindrical piece of paper

Tiling of a $9\times 7$ rectangle

Tiled drawable sometimes stretches

Building a matrix by merging the same row vector multiple times

Divide a square into rectangles where each occurs once in each orientation

What's special about 323 and squared rectangles?

Maximally dense Unit Distance Graphs