New posts in symmetry

Pedagogical examples of distinguishing "types of symmetry"

Interesting tiling with a lot of symmetrical shapes

Systematic solution to my soccer ball puzzle

Why isn't an odd improper integral equal to zero

equilateral triangle; $3(a^4 + b^4 + c^4 + d^4) = (a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + d^2)^2.$

Is the symmetry group of a compact subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ closed?

Minima of symmetric functions given a constraint

Do Symmetric Games with Nash Equilibria always have a symmetric Equilbrium?

How to determine the size of the complete game tree for basic [M]?

The Fixed Point Theorem in Artin's book

Are functions that sum to zero over vertices of similar polygons identically zero?

Is every geodesic-preserving diffeomorphism an isometry?

Is every finite group of isometries a subgroup of a finite reflection group?

Translations in two dimensions - Group theory

Why does a convex polyhedron being vertex-, edge-, and face-transitive imply that it is a Platonic solid?

Unable to Understand the meaning of a term in question in book Richard Brualdi Introductory Combinatorics in Chapter Polya Counting

Coloring a cube with 4 colors

Smoothness at the origin of a radial function obtained by rotating an even function

What's the intuition of the transpose of a matrix? [duplicate]

A conjecture regarding products of $u(x)=x+\frac1x$