New posts in game-theory

What are the relevant properties of cardinal utility functions for defining a notion of expected utility for mixed strategies in games?

Optimal Strategy for this schoolyard game - (Charge, block, shoot)

Game Theory: What are Best Strategies for High-Low game (game details are below)?

Winning strategy in $(2n+1) \times (2n+1)$ matrix game.

Finding mixed Nash equilibria in continuous games

Gibbard–Satterthwaite Theorem versus Arrow Theorem

prerequisites for understanding game theory

How much information can you transfer by choosing one number out of two?

pure strategy vs mixed strategy

Dice puzzle: pips must sum to 21

Combinatoric formula summing one

Is there experimental evidence that people ever play mixed Nash equilibrium in real games?

Computer software for solving mixed strategy Nash equilibrium

What number would you bet on to maximize your chances of winning?

Adding digits to make a number prime or composite

John Nash's Hex proof

Can two queens win against a knight on an infinite chess-board?

Factorization game, can we find winning strategy?

Optimal Strategy for Bar Dice

Intuition behind the max-min inequality