New posts in economics

Modelling risk when market making

Finding mixed Nash equilibria in continuous games

Gibbard–Satterthwaite Theorem versus Arrow Theorem

Formula(s) for sharing multiple golden geese

Is vector geometry useful within economics?

What happens to $\operatorname{Var}\left(\varepsilon_{i} \mid x_{i}\right)$ if there is heteroscedasticity?

A (mathematically) sound investment strategy

A mathematical approach to economics

Understanding the Leontief inverse

Expected Geometric Growth Rate (Kelly's Criterion)

Von Neumann–Morgenstern independence axiom vs. Savage independence theorm

Motivating linear algebra for economics students?

Is the standard definition of vector wrong?

Equilibrium existence proof

How is lambda calculated in this lagrangian?

Can someone explain Cremer-Mclean's astonishing result in auction theory?

Derive the labour demand function.

An algorithm for arbitrage in currency exchange

diagonalising (I-X(X^TX)^-1X^T where X is rank n-k, a square matrix dimension nxn, into a matrix with n-k 1 along the diagonal, and then zeros.

$\succsim$ preorder on X being continuous imply lower contour set closed