New posts in symmetry

Turing's Symmetries

Lie algebra $\implies$ Lie group?

slick way of transforming an integral?

Definition of group action

Odd order moments of a symmetrical distribution

How many $n$-colorings up to rotation using exactly 2 of each color are there on a $2n$-polyhedron?

Which matrices commute with $\operatorname{SO}_n$?

Do Symmetric problems have Symmetric solutions?

show this inequality $ab+bc+ac+\sin{(a-1)}+\sin{(b-1)}+\sin{(c-1)}\ge 3$

Is there an explicit left invariant metric on the general linear group?

A map which commutes with Hodge dual is conformal?

Why is this definite integral antisymmetric in $s\mapsto s^{-1}$?

Proof that there exist only 17 Wallpaper Groups (Tilings of the plane)

If you throw a dice 5 times, what is the expected value of the square of the median?

Stuck on a Geometry Problem

Can all groups be thought of as the symmetries of a geometrical object?

What's so special about the group axioms?

Why does $\int_1^\sqrt2 \frac{1}{x}\ln\left(\frac{2-2x^2+x^4}{2x-2x^2+x^3}\right)dx$ equal to $0$?

Show that if $c_1, c_2, \ldots, c_{\phi(m)}$ is a reduced residue system modulo m, $m \neq 2$ then $c_1 + \cdots+ c_{\phi(m)} \equiv 0 \pmod{m}$

Possible arrangements of points in cartesian plane considering symmetry