New posts in conformal-geometry

Different definitions for the Teichmüller space of puctured spheres

Automorphisms of punctured plane

Modification of Schwarz-Christoffel integral

Characterizing all mobius transformations from unit disk to itself.

Characterization of one-to-one conformal mapping from unit disc onto a square

Is my proof correct? (Conformal equivalence of two circular annuli)

Conformal map iff holomorphic

The $j$-invariant of my donut

Conformal map from a lune to the unit disc in $\mathbb{C}$

Can a conformal map be turned into an isometry?

Construct a conformal mapping from $\Bbb C$ Onto $R$ if such a map exists. And explain why if does not exist.

Conformal Maps onto the Unit Disc in $\mathbb{C}$

Conformal cobblestones

Maximize absolute value of complex logarithm

Prove that $\Big|\frac{f(z)-f(w)}{f(z)-\overline{f(w)}}\Big|\le \Big|\frac{z-w}{z-\overline w}\Big|$

Finding a conformal map of slit disk on to unit disk

Is every transitive action conformal?

Conformal automorphism of unit disk that interchanges two given points

A map which commutes with Hodge dual is conformal?

conformally equivalent flat tori