New posts in hyperbolic-geometry

Lines in upper half-space

Which of the (non-)Euclidean planes can we embed into non-Euclidean 3-space?

Hyperbolic area and $SL_2$

Different definitions for the Teichmüller space of puctured spheres

What is the volume of the sphere in hyperbolic space?

Does there exist an area-preserving map from the hyperbolic plane to the Euclidean plane? [duplicate]

What does it mean for something to be a model of hyperbolic space?

Does anyone know a good hyperbolic geometry software program?

Is there a nice closed form for inversion on the boundary of an orthogonal circle?

Distance in the Poincare Disk model of hyperbolic geometry

The absolute ruler unit of hyperbolic geometry [closed]

Simple non-closed geodesic.

Reference Request: Regge Symmetry "Angle-Edge" Duality

Is it possible to deduce a model for hyperbolic geometry from a synthetic set of axioms a la Euclid/Hilbert/Tarski?

Geodesic deviation in sphere and hyperbolic plane

The shape of Pringles potato chip [closed]

For what $n$ does a hyperbolic regular $n$-gon exist around a circle?

Curvature of curves on the hyperbolic plane

Circumference of hyperbolic circle is $2\pi \sinh r$

Edge length of hyperbolic tesselations