The shape of Pringles potato chip [closed]

  • The shape is self centering hence easy to stack up
  • There is no trajectory that allows you to break up into predictable pieces, it's a saddle look it up, so increases the crunchy feeling hence that weird satisfaction. (homework: where do they find those extra long potatoes to make the fries?)
  • It is relatively more feasible to manufacture the press block compared to other shapes. (Do you know the original size of a plastic cola bottle before it expands?)

But these are all true in hindsight; the real procedure is to do ridiculous amount of user study and then figure out why it works.

For example why washing machine doors are circular? Why toothbrush manufacturers want to have angles in fact you can easily rely on the technology known as your elbow etc.

I think pringles are shaped because they are designed to fit perfectly in your mouth .the roof of your mouth holds that shape and when you began to crunch your tongue fits perfectly under it to give you that awesome full taste of your chip

It's called minimal surface. If you'll let a slice of bread drying it will naturally take this shape.