how to do joins on Firebase tables

Your code snippet has a nasty side-effect:

var userId;
tableOne.on('value', function (snapshot) {
    userId = snapshot.val().userId; // line 1 (results like 1,2,3,4,5,6)
    anotherTable.child('userdetails').child(userId).once('value', function(mediaSnap) {
        console.log(userId + ":" + mediaSnap.val().name);

You're not declaring userId as a variable, which means that it becomes a global variable in JavaScript. And since the callback function executes asynchronously, there is a good chance that the global values will have changed by the time you need it.

The solution is simply to make userId a local variable of the callback function:

tableOne.on('value', function (snapshot) {
    var userId = snapshot.val().userId; // line 1 (results like 1,2,3,4,5,6)
    anotherTable.child('userdetails').child(userId).once('value', function(mediaSnap) {
        console.log(userId + ":" + mediaSnap.val().name);

This will ensure that each value of userId is captured inside the function.