Changing image on hover

I need a menu consisting of images and the images should change when someone hover around it.


<div id="menu" >  
    <a href="#" id="home"><img  src="images/about.png" alt="logo" /></a>


#menu {
        margin-left    : 353px;
        margin-top     : -70px;
        padding-bottom : 16px;

#home {
        background     : transparent url(images/about.png);
        z-index        : 1;

#home:hover {
        background     : url(images/aboutR.png);
        z-index        : 2;

The problem I am facing is that when I hover around the menu item, the image to be displayed on hover is displayed at the back of the old image. Moreover, the hover background image displayed is very small in width and height. Please help out. Thanks

As previously stated, no need for a JS solution.

Another way of doing it is by loading both images and hiding/showing them with the :hover event. Something like this:


<a id="home"><img class="image_on" src="images/about.png" alt="logo" /><img class="image_off" src="images/aboutR.png" alt="logo" /></a>


.image_off, #home:hover .image_on{
.image_on, #home:hover .image_off{

Here is a js/jquery solution

//should go inside your <head> tag
function onHover()
    $("#menuImg").attr('src', 'images/aboutR.png');

function offHover()
    $("#menuImg").attr('src', 'images/about.png');


<div id="menu" >  
  <a href="#" id="home">
    <img id="menuImg" src="images/about.png" alt="logo" onmouseover="onHover();" 
      onmouseout="offHover();" />

Here is a working example. Happy coding :)