New posts in math-software

What is a good resource for computations in quadratic integer rings?

A digital notebook for Mathematics?

Solving an 8th order polynomial in terms of unknown variables

How to visualize the Gaussian curvature of a 3D surface using color?

Learning to use MAGMA

Proof and software

Can One use mathematica or maple online?

Does anyone know a good hyperbolic geometry software program?

Visualising functions from complex numbers to complex numbers

A list of books for discovering mathematics using computer software

software for drawing graphs (trees) [duplicate]

Any abstract algebra book with programming (homework) assignment?

How to organize math study groups online for long-distance collaboration?

How else can we be nauty?

Windows lightweight Math Software

What's the equation for a rectircle? (Perfect rounded-corner rectangle without stretching on only one dim)

Online visualization tool for planes (spans in linear algebra)

Behaviour of the sequence $u_n = \frac{\sqrt{n}}{4^n}\binom{2n}{n}$

Category theorists: would you use a software tool for diagramming / chasing?

Software for organising mathematics