Software for organising mathematics

Solution 1:

Tilo has probably got a solution now but for others.....

Windows-based outliner software like SEO note and TreePad are excellent programs to collect disparate and unorganized information into one document. There is a tree structure you can create to organize and navigate your stuff.

You can create hyper links to documents (maple files, spreadsheets, pdf math books, scanned images, etc) on your hard disk or webpages on the net.

enter image description here

HyperLinks to start external programs (for typesetting or theorem provers in Tilo's case) is very easy to setup as well.

You can copy/paste scanned images of your handwritten notes into the outliner document and add some keyword text so that these notes can be located through the search function.

There are many helpful features but some features and functionality that would make these programs even better would be text folding, direct image scanning into the document, graphics tablet support, revision history, LaTex support and syntax highlighting. It's been a while since I looked into these programs. Perhaps some of this functionality exists in some outliners now. That Wikipedia link has a list.

Solution 2:

What about TeXmacs? TeXmacs is a kind of mathematics processing application: it does word processing for mathematics with LaTeX quality and it can be interfaced with specialized mathematics tools for graphing, numeric and algebraic calculus.

enter image description here

So you can write down mathematical notes (buffer) with source from own writing and third party computation or graphing. TeXmacs takes some inspiration from Emacs (integrated Scheme interpreter) but with a more mathematics appetence.

Solution 3:

Bit late of an answer, but I thought I would try to help out anyone that finds this question. For a simple interface for managing mathematical work, you could try out Open Notebook, a graphical application for creating mathematical documents. The software allows the creation of mathematical expressions, as well as an interface for manipulating and transforming expressions while solving a problem. It also comes with basic facilities for creating Cartesian graphs and geometry diagrams. Currently the file format for saving documents is a simple XML format, which would work for checking into a version control system. This format however is not designed to be easily human readable, and may change in the future.

Disclosure, I am the developer of Open Notebook, feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions here.