New posts in computational-mathematics

How can you verify that a 3 by 3 unimodular matrix generates an infinite number of Fermat near misses?

How to determine whether a point is inside a closed region or not?

Good math books to discover stuff by programming

Accelerating Convergence of a Sequence

Most even numbers is a sum $a+b+c+d$ where $a^2+b^2+c^2=d^2$

Royal way to learn algorithmic / computational / computer algebra

unexpected high precision of the Simpson's rule

Computational verification of Collatz problem

How many numbers $ N \le 10^{10}$ are the product of $3$ distinct primes?

Rate of convergence of Secant Method

Cylinder-ray intersections equation

Need help to write a proof regarding first order formula

Palindrome Subtraction

Find a polynomial of degree $\leq n$ such that $p(0)=1$ and $p$ has smallest supremum norm on $[1,2]$

Are the unit partial quotients of $\pi, \log(2), \zeta(3) $ and other constants $all$ governed by $H=0.415\dots$?

A conjecture about the prime function $p_n$: $p_m \cdot p_n >p_{m \cdot n}$

What does "Mathematics of Computation" mean?

How to efficiently compute the minimal polynomial of a number expressed in radicals?

How else can we be nauty?

What is the maximum "alive density" of cells in Conway's Game of Life when played on a torus?