New posts in computational-mathematics

Newton form vs. Lagrange form for interpolating polynomials

On the prime-generating polynomial $m^2+m+234505015943235329417$

Constructing a finite field

Algorithm to compute the area of a convex set in 2 dimensions

What are all the concordant forms $n$ such that $a^2+b^2 = c^2,\,a^2+nb^2=d^2$ for $n<1000$?

Finding appropriate step size for ODE system numerically solved without ODE solver in Matlab

What is a nice way to compute $f(x) = x / (\exp(x) - 1)$?

Calculate the maximum in the Collatz sequence

Strange shape of the distribution of the sum of the binomial coefficients ${n\choose r^2}$over squares

Evaluation of a slow continued fraction

On $1^2+2^2+\dots+24^2 = 70^2$, and $15^3+16^3+\dots+34^3 = 70^3$

$e$ popping up in topic I'm unfamiliar with

Why is Householder computationally more stable than modified Gram-Schmidt?

How far has Collatz conjecture been computationally verified?

Fast Matlab Code for hypergeometric function $_2F_1$

How do I develop numerical routines for the evaluation of my own special functions?

How to check whether an ideal is a prime (or maximal) ideal?

Determining the number of ways a number can be written as sum of three squares

Identities like $4+5+6=7+8$ and $10^2+11^2+12^2=13^2+14^2$ and so on...

"Opposite" of idempotent operation?