New posts in formal-languages

Find a short expression for a given large integer

Substitution in sequent calculus vs substitution in lambda calculus

Does there exist a universal pushdown automaton?

Need help to write a proof regarding first order formula

Context-sensitive grammar for the copy language

What is the difference between language of empty string and empty set language?

In what sense is $\sf ZFC$ "stronger" than Peano arithmetic?

What's the point of allowing only quantification of variables in first-order logic.

Application of Pumping lemma for regular languages

Has this algebraic structure been named or studied?

What kind of formal languages can modern regex engines parse?

How to prevent duplications when generating strings from context free grammar

How to create a grammar for complement of $a^nb^n$?

Prove that the language $\{bin(p) \mid p\ \text{is prime}\}$ is not regular (prime numbers)

A computer's memory is finite, so how can there be languages more powerful than regular?

What is the difference between a shuffle and a permutation?

Generating functions for context-free languages

Tips for creating "Context Free Grammar"

Words built from $\{0,1,2\}$ with restrictions which are not so easy to accomodate.

An analog of the Myhill-Nerode Theorem for context-free languages?