New posts in formal-languages

If $L$ is regular, prove that $\sqrt{L}=\left\{ w : ww\in L\right\}$ is regular

What underlies formal logic (or math, generally)?

Algorithm to answer existential questions - Reduction

Proving a language is not recognizable

What is a regular language?

Finite automaton that recognizes the empty language $\emptyset$

Proof- vs. model-theoretic definitions of extension and of conservative extension

How to show that if there's a mapping reduction from L to its complement, it doesn't imply that L∈R?

finding right quotient of languages

Why is the Kleene star of a null set is an empty string?

Foundation of Formal Logic

Intersection of two deterministic finite automata?

Proving that $L = \{0^k \mid \text{$k$ is composite}\}$ is not regular by pumping lemma

About the position of "for all" quantifier

Eilenberg's rational hierarchy of nonrational automata & languages

What's the difference between a logic, an internal logic (language) of a category, an internal logic of a topos and a type theory?

First-order logic without equality

The complement of a language of a machine L(M)

Left-Linear and Right-Linear Grammars

Why is Gödel's Second Incompleteness Theorem important?