New posts in provability

Difference between 'true' and 'provable'

In what sense is $\sf ZFC$ "stronger" than Peano arithmetic?

A sentence asserting about itself that if it is provable, then it is true

Is every property of the integers provable?

Were there any proofs of whether or not a statement could be proved true or false before Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems?

What is the truth value if any for $f(x)=y$ when $x$ is outside of the domain of $f$?

Prove the inequality is true

Prove or disprove: if Γ ⊢ α and Γ ⊆ ∆ then ∆ ⊢ α

What's the difference between "unprovable" and "undecidable"?

Is it really impossible to lose the Hydra game?

Growth-rate vs totality

Semantics for minimal logic

Questions about logic and proof systems

Gödel's paradox: Why is "a proof that some universal statement is unprovable" not a valid proof that this statement is true? [duplicate]

Is there a decision procedure for intuitionistic propositional logic?

Number of k-tuples of non-negative integers whose sum equals a given integer

Statement provable for all parameters, but unprovable when quantified

BIG LIST: Statements that look obviously false but cannot be disproved

Model of concatenation theory with left-cancellation but no right-cancellation

How long can proofs be?