New posts in intuitionistic-logic

Defined negation in intuitionistic linear logic

What is the difference between intuitionistic, classical, modal and linear logic?

Why is it called linear logic?

Looking for a simple proof of the independence of the law of excluded middle

About Gödel-Gentzen negative translation

Law of Excluded Middle Controversy

Prove that formula is not tautology.

Can we make intuitionistic logic "intuitive"?

Excluded middle, double negation, contraposition and Peirce's law in minimal logic

The legitimacy of topos theory and intuitionism.

Which theorems of classical mathematics cannot be proved without using the law of excluded middle?

Does double negation distribute over implication intuitionistically?

Semantics for minimal logic

What does this typed lambda-calculus notation mean?

Is there a decision procedure for intuitionistic propositional logic?

Difference between proof of negation and proof by contradiction

Intuitionistic logic plus $A → B \lor C \vdash ( A → B ) \lor ( A → C )$

Is there a decision procedure for *monadic* intuitionist first-order logic?

All real functions are continuous

Upper bound for size of topology needed to falsify a non-tautology in IPC