New posts in decidability

Help me understand decidability of an axiom system of a theory

What is wrong with this naive approach to Hilbert's 10th problem?

Decidability vs Completeness

Is the decidability of all possible axiomatizations equivalent to decidability?

I am looking for class of math problems which are provable in ZF if and only if they are provable in ZFC

Why is Q (Robinson arithmetic) both undecidable and axiomatizable?

The word problem for finite groups

How to show that if there's a mapping reduction from L to its complement, it doesn't imply that L∈R?

Gödel's completeness theorem and the undecidability of first-order logic

The range of a non-computable function that grows faster than computable functions is undecidable

Is there a decision procedure for intuitionistic propositional logic?

Are we sure Millenium Prize Problems can be solved?