New posts in substitution

A concrete definition of scope in lambda calculus that can be applied to determine which variables are bound and which are free

Substitution in sequent calculus vs substitution in lambda calculus

How to substitute text from files in git history?

How prove that $xyz+\sqrt{x^2y^2+y^2z^2+x^2z^2}\ge \frac{4}{3}\sqrt{xyz(x+y+z)}$

It may be a strengthening form of mean inequality

Prove that $\measuredangle\gamma= 90^{\circ}$

Prove that: $\sqrt[3]{a_1^3+ a_2^3 +\cdots+a_n^3} \le \sqrt{a_1^2 + a_2^2 +\cdots+a_n^2}$ [duplicate]

Integral becomes improper after a substitution

Solving the integral $\int x\sqrt{1+x}\ dx $ [closed]

Is there an explicit formula that gives the value of $\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2+\cdots}}}$ for $n$ square roots? [duplicate]

Show that $\int_1^3f(x)dx+\int_{11}^{13}f(x)dx\ge\int_5^9f(x)dx$

Inequality $abdc$ $\leq$ $3$

Prove that $\sum\limits_{cyc}\frac{a}{a+b}\geq1+\frac{3\sqrt[3]{a^2b^2c^2}}{2(ab+ac+bc)}$

How to prove this inequality involving the minimum of two chosen numbers

cyclic three variable inequality

Tricky inequality involving 3 variables

If $\frac {1}{2+a} + \frac {1}{2+b} + \frac {1}{2+c} = 1$, prove $\sqrt{ab} + \sqrt{ac} + \sqrt{bc} \leq 3$

Simplifying the integral $\int \frac{x^2-1}{x^2+1}\cdot \frac{1}{\sqrt{1+x^4}}dx$.

An alternative to integration by trigonometric substitution?

If $n\geq m$ then $(x^m+y^m)^{1/m} \ge (x^n+y^n)^{1/n}$