New posts in git-rewrite-history

How to substitute text from files in git history?

git rebase - what's the difference between 'edit' and 'reword'

Update a development team with rewritten Git repo history, removing big files

git, filter-branch on all branches

Rewriting Git history to place all work in a subfolder instead of root

How to upload or commit to Github project as different author? [duplicate]

How do I remove a big file wrongly committed in git [duplicate]

Remove file from git repository (history)

Purging file from Git repo failed, unable to create new backup

Remove refs/original/heads/master from git repo after filter-branch --tree-filter?

How to amend older Git commit? [duplicate]

Combine the first two commits of a Git repository?

How to undo a merge on a branch where there have been subsequent commits?

Rebasing a Git merge commit

How to amend several commits in Git to change author

Edit the root commit in Git?

Git commands that could break/rewrite the history

How to squash all git commits into one?

How do you fix a bad merge, and replay your good commits onto a fixed merge?

How can one change the timestamp of an old commit in Git?