New posts in lambda-calculus

A concrete definition of scope in lambda calculus that can be applied to determine which variables are bound and which are free

Substitution in sequent calculus vs substitution in lambda calculus

How did Haskell add Turing-completeness to System F?

Proving that $\Omega = (\lambda x.xx)(\lambda x.xx)$ is not typable in the simply typed lambda calculus

What is the shortest function of lambda calculus that generates all functions of lambda calculus?

How or why does intutionistic logic proof negations from within the theory, constructively?

Exponentiation in Lambda Calculus

Is this $\beta$-reduction step incorrect or not?

What are some resources for learning Lambda Calculus? [closed]

What does "calculus" mean?

What is call/cc?

Lambda Calculus syntax: multiplication is or isn't implied?

Significance of the inner parentheses in this lambda expression? $(\lambda xyz.xy(zx)) \;1\; 2\; 3$

How do lambda calculus most basic definitions work?

Fixed point combinator and functions with no fixed point

How to correctly curry a function in JavaScript?

What does $\bigwedge$ mean in lambda calculus?

If $f(x)=g(x)$ for all $x:A$, why is it not true that $\lambda x{.}f(x)=\lambda x{.}g(x)$?

$f$ is a fixed-point of $h$. $\Theta h$ is also a fixed-point of $h$. Can we conclude that $f$ equals $\Theta h$?

In lambda calculus, how many fixed-point combinators are there? [closed]