New posts in fixed-points

Does there exist a continuous partition of the sphere into sets of cardinality 4?

Attracting fixed point of $f$ if and only if repelling fixed point of $f^{-1}$

Is there any noncompact manifold with the fixed point property?

How to compute Dottie number accurately?

How to find examples of periodic points of the (complex) exponential-function $z \to \exp(z)$?

recursive sequence with continuous function

Prob. 7 (b), Sec. 28, in Munkres' TOPOLOGY, 2nd ed: A shrinking self-map of a compact metric space has a unique fixed point

Showing that an involution of the projective line with a fixed point fixes exactly two points

$f$ is a fixed-point of $h$. $\Theta h$ is also a fixed-point of $h$. Can we conclude that $f$ equals $\Theta h$?

In lambda calculus, how many fixed-point combinators are there? [closed]

Lambda Calculus functions that are fixed-points of themselves

Why does the fixed point theorem justify the existence of the factorial function?

Integral Representation of the Dottie Number

Contraction Map on Compact Normed Space has a Fixed Point

Fixed Points Set of an Isometry

Number of points in line segment

Convergence of fixed points of a sequence uniformly convergent.

Function classes on posets, which are closed under certain operations

Idempotency and Fixed-point combinators

Missing parentheses in $s(k (s I I))(s(\lambda y. s(k y))(\lambda y. s I I)$ leads to interesting error in “nLab” page. Need a double check.