New posts in type-theory

Is there a (foundational) type theory with the features I'm looking for?

Axiom of Choice - Type Theory (Proof)

How am I to interpret induction/recursion in type theory?

What is the difference between intuitionistic, classical, modal and linear logic?

What is predicativity?

Is there a fundamental distinction between objects and its types?

Dependent types can prove your code is correct up to a specification. But how do you prove the specification is correct?

Two questions on homotopy type theory

Types, Sets and Categories

Can you define functions which are not primitive recursive, yet total, in Type Theory? [closed]

Relationship between propositional logic, first-order logic, second-order logic higher-order logic, and type theory

Glue types in cubical type theory

How or why does intutionistic logic proof negations from within the theory, constructively?

Intuitionistic Banach-Tarski Paradox

Difference between a type and a set

Type Theory for Beginners

Categorical semantics explained – what is an interpretation?

Why did mathematicians choose ZFC set theory over Russell's type theory? [closed]

If $f(x)=g(x)$ for all $x:A$, why is it not true that $\lambda x{.}f(x)=\lambda x{.}g(x)$?

Is many sorted logic really a unifying logic?