New posts in automata

Regular expression for a language string

Does there exist a universal pushdown automaton?

Find the DFA for the language $L = \{a^nb: n \geq 0\} \cup \{b^na : n \geq 1\}$

Proof that an automaton stops

Why is it undecidable whether two finite-state transducers are equivalent?

Automata | Prove that if $L$ is regular than $half(L)$ is regular too

Can a regular grammar be ambiguous?

If $L$ is regular, prove that $\sqrt{L}=\left\{ w : ww\in L\right\}$ is regular

Design DFA accepting binary strings divisible by a number 'n'

How to write a regular expression for the given language?

Write a regular expression over the given language. [closed]

Finite automaton that recognizes the empty language $\emptyset$

Intersection of two deterministic finite automata?

Interesting behavior of the $2$-tag system $\{a\rightarrow abc,b\rightarrow ab,c\rightarrow c\}$

Is it possible for a computer to "learn" a regular expression by user-provided examples?

Regular vs Context Free Grammars

Finding Context Free Grammar for a language

Eilenberg's rational hierarchy of nonrational automata & languages

The complement of a language of a machine L(M)

regular expression for strings - infinite case [closed]