New posts in regular-language

Regular expression for a language string

Using regular expression, I need to match everything except for a certain date format

Pumping lemma for regular language

Application of Pumping lemma for regular languages

Automata | Prove that if $L$ is regular than $half(L)$ is regular too

Prove that the language $\{bin(p) \mid p\ \text{is prime}\}$ is not regular (prime numbers)

How does "δ:Q×Σ→Q" read in the definition of a DFA (deterministic finite automaton)?

A computer's memory is finite, so how can there be languages more powerful than regular?

Can a regular grammar be ambiguous?

Need Regular Expression for Finite Automata: Even number of 1s and Even number of 0s

Why isn't this a regular language?

If $L$ is regular, prove that $\sqrt{L}=\left\{ w : ww\in L\right\}$ is regular

Is a*b* regular?

What is a regular language?

Intersection of two deterministic finite automata?

Regular vs Context Free Grammars

Formally prove that every finite language is regular

Why is {a^nb^n | n >= 0} not regular?

Left-Linear and Right-Linear Grammars

Is the set of all valid C++ programs countably infinite?