Application of Pumping lemma for regular languages

Solution 1:

Think of the Pumping Lemma as a game in which you're trying to prove that a language isn't regular, while someone else is "defending" the regularity of this language. Here is how to play the game:

  1. The defender specifies the pumping length $n$. Think of it as the number of states in the automata that recognizes the language.
  2. You give the defender a word $w$ from the language that satisfies the condition: $|w| \ge n$.
  3. The defender divides this word into $xyz$, where $|xy| \le n$ and $|y| > 0$. This division must also satisfy the condition that $xy^{k}z$ belongs to the language $\forall k \ge 0$.

If you give the defender a word that is impossible to divide under the conditions in step 3, you win and the language isn't regular.

Given the above, let's have a look at your answer. You gave the word $0^{n}1^{n-1}$. I'll play the role of the defender and divide it as: $0^{n-1}01^{n-1}$ where $x = 0^{n-1}$, $y = 0$ and $z = 1^{n-1}$. This division satisfies all of the conditions above:

  • $|xy| = |0^n| \le n$
  • $|y| = |0| = 1 \ge 0$
  • $xy^{k}z = 0^{n-1}0^{k}1^{n-1} = 0^{n+k-1}1^{n-1} \in L$

The last condition is justified because:

$$ k \ge 0 \Rightarrow n+k-1 \ge n-1 $$

Thus, your word doesn't make it impossible for me to divide the word in a way that satisfies the Pumping Lemma's conditions.

Now, what if we consider $0^{n}1^{n}$ instead? No matter how I divide it, $x$ and $y$ will always fall within the $0^n$ part since $|xy| \le n$. Therefore, $y$ will consist of one or more $0$s. For $k = 0$, one or more $0$s will be removed and the number of $0$s in the string will be less than the number of $1$s, and the word will no longer be in the language. Hence, the language isn't regular.

Solution 2:

That's not quite right. Think of the pumping lemma as a game:

  • Mr. Pumping Lemma gives you a constant $n$.
  • You choose a word $w$ in the language of length at least $n$.
  • Mr. Pumping Lemma gives you $x$, $y$, and $z$ with $xyz=w$, $|xy|≤n$, and $y$ not empty.
  • Now you pick $r$.
  • Mr. Pumping Lemma asserts that $xy^rz$ is also in the language.
  • If he's wrong, you win.

In your question, it seems that once you picked $w$, you went ahead and chose $x$ and $y$. You don't get to do this. That is Mr. Pumping Lemma's job.

Can you fix the proof? Not in step 3, unfortunately. If Mr. Pumping Lemma picks $x={\tt 0}^{n-1}$ and $y={\tt 0}$ and $z={\tt 1}^{n-1}$, he followed the rules. But then even if you pick $r=0$ in step 4, it doesn't work: Mr. Pumping Lemma asserts in step 5 that $xy^0z = {\tt 0}^{n-1}{\tt 1}^{n-1}$ is still in the language, and he is right. And if you pick a bigger $r$ in step 4, it is even worse for you.

But you can fix up your proof. You need to make $w$ a little different in step 2. Try fixing it so that when you eliminate $y$ at the end, the part with the ${\tt 0}$'s is too short.