New posts in mobius-transformation

Combinatorial interpretation of the identity $(f \circ f \circ f)(x) = x$ where $f(x) = 1/(1-x)$ for $x\in(-1,1)$

Automorphisms of punctured plane

Characterizing all mobius transformations from unit disk to itself.

Find a Möbius transformation such that a semi-circle in the upper half plane is mapped to $i\mathbb{R}_{>0}$

Projectivization and stereographic projection, or: Why nonlinear + nonlinear = linear?

Möbius transformation with infinity in both the $w$-plane and $z$-plane.

Mobius transform and defining an hyperbolic angle

Conformal automorphism of unit disk that interchanges two given points

Showing that two circles in w-plane tangent each other if there is a Möbius transformation that takes them to two parallel lines

Complex modulus of $\left|\frac{-3z+2i}{2iz+1}\right|$ given that $\left|z\right|=\frac{1}{\sqrt3}$

Find a conformal mapping from the quarter-disk $Q=\{ |z|<1 : rez>0,im z>0 \}$ onto the upper half plane set $U=\{im z>0\}$

Bounding the derivative of a holomorphic function at the origin.

what is the mobius transformation that maps a circle with center $z_0$ and radius $R$ to the unit circle?