New posts in orthogonal-matrices

Does $AA^T$ = I iff A is an orthogonal matrix?

Is $O_n$ isomorphic to $SO_n \times \{\pm I\}$?

constructive canonical form of orthogonal matrix

Is there a name for matrices with singular values all equal to $1$?

Lie algebra: intuition of "Lie Algebra is tangent space of corresponding Lie Group"?

Real Schur decomposition of orthogonal matrix

Show that $O(n,\mathbb{R})$ the set of all orthogonal matrices is closed in $M(n,\mathbb{R})$ [duplicate]

Show that $ \text{Stab}\left(v\right)\approx O_{n-1}\left(\mathbb{R}\right) $ for $v \in \mathbb{R}^n$

If an orthogonal matrix has determinant -1 then it has -1 as an eigenvalue

Is $\mathfrak{so}_{\mathbb{R}}(p,q)$ semisimple? [duplicate]

Show that the set of all $n \times n$ orthogonal matrices, $O(n)$, is a compact subset of $\mbox{GL} (n,\mathbb R)$

Why is inverse of orthogonal matrix is its transpose?

Center of the Orthogonal Group and Special Orthogonal Group

Prove that the eigenvalues of $3 \times 3$ orthogonal symmetric matrix are $\pm 1$.

Maximize function on orthogonal matrices

Which matrices $A\in\text{Mat}_{n\times n}(\mathbb{K})$ are orthogonally diagonalizable over $\mathbb{K}$?

Subgroup of O(2) isomorphic to $D_n$, matrices that form that group.

Convex hull of orthogonal matrices

What is the physical significance of the determinants of orthogonal matrices having the value of $\pm 1$?

Eigenvalues of symmetric orthogonal matrix