New posts in convex-hulls

The image of every strictly non-expanding map between spheres is contained in an open hemisphere?

Meaning cone, ray, fan for polytopes

Convexifying a Concave Polygon by Reflections

New Definition of Convex Hull

Convex hull of orthogonal matrices

What shape is a Calippo?

Expanding a convex set to a convex set with nonempty interior, while maintaining disjointness from a point

How is the subdifferential of the $l_2$ norm at $x=0$ the polar of the unit ball?

A set of points is contained in a sphere $S$. When is $S$ also the circumsphere?

Prove Convex hull is Convex

Test if point is in convex hull of $n$ points

Is the convex hull of closed set in $\mathbb R^{n}$ is closed?

When is the smallest point on a hull a convex combination of the smallest vertices?

Jordan decomposition functional $C^*$-algebra [closed]

If I stretch a convex polygon, does the original fit into the streched version?