New posts in lipschitz-functions

Every 1-Lipschitz function in the closed unit ball has a fixed point

Every convex function is locally Lipschitz ($\mathbb{R^n}$)

Lipschitz space-filling maps

Find a Lipschitz constant w.r.t. $y$ of $f(x,y) = \sin(xy)$

The image of every strictly non-expanding map between spheres is contained in an open hemisphere?

Proving that, $|f'(x)-f'(y)|\le k|x-y| \implies (f'(x))^2< 2 kf(x) $

Is the dot product on $\mathbf{R}^n$ ($n\ge 2$) Lipschitz?

$f(x)=x^2$ is not Lipschitz?

Machine Learning: Is the softmax function Lipschitz with Lipschitz constant $1$?

Lipschitz implies bounded gradient

Bounded derivative implies Lipschitz

Given a continous real function, it is almost globally Lipschitz:

$f \in C^1$ defined on a compact set $K$ is Lipschitz?

If $f$ is locally Lipschitz on $X$ and $X$ is compact, then $f$ is Lipschitz on $X$.

Given sequence of $L-$Lipschitz functions which converges pointwise, prove uniform convergence

How to show square root of absolute of x, $\sqrt{|x|}$, is not Lipschitz continuous?

How to show that the natural logarithm is Lipschitz on $[\beta, \infty)$

Smallest constant of Lipschitz retraction from bounded to continuous functions

Proving single solution to an initial value problem

Lipschitz-constant gradient implies bounded eigenvalues on Hessian