New posts in solid-geometry

How would you make a (physical) dodecahedron with edges instead of faces?

Can the inscribed angle theorem be generalized to solid angles in 3D? And beyond to n-dimensional space?

Why average area of the horizontal slices of the conical frustum doesn't work for it's volume?

Name of this polyhedron with 17 faces

What is the minimal isoperimetric ratio of a polyhedron with $5$ vertices?

minutes to fill a fountain

Volume of a pyramid, using an integral

Concentric Equilateral Triangles

Is the volume of a tetrahedron determined by the surface areas of the faces?

Platonic Solids

How to calculate the surface area of a cube given a diagonal?

Calculating the volume of the solid defined by $x^2+y^2+z^2 \leq 2a^2$ and $z \leq \frac{x^2+y^2}{a}$, with $a>0$

Calculate moment of inertia of body $T$ around $z$-axis

Overlap volume of three spheres

Fitting a dodecahedron inside a cube

How to prove there are exactly eight convex deltahedra?

What hexahedra have faces with areas of exactly 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 units?

Any other Caltrops?

Ellipsoid but not quite

Prove that there is no convex polyhedron