New posts in platonic-solids

insphere/circumsphere ratio of a polyhedron the same as its dual polyhedron?

Algebraic argument for why any $A_5$ in $S_6$ can be extended to an $S_5$ in $S_6$

How does this proof of the regular dodecahedron's existence fail?

Platonic Solids

Symmetry group of Tetrahedron

Fitting a dodecahedron inside a cube

Inscribing Platonic solids in each other: why can't you put a dodecahedron in an octahedron?

How many $6$-sided and $8$-sided standard dice exist? [closed]

Why does a convex polyhedron being vertex-, edge-, and face-transitive imply that it is a Platonic solid?

What property of certain regular polygons allows them to be faces of the Platonic Solids?

How many faces of a solid can one "see"?

Cleverest construction of a dodecahedron / icosahedron?

Why are there 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons on a soccer ball?

How many fair dice exist?

Why do all the Platonic Solids exist?