New posts in polytopes

Analytic Center of Convex Polytope

When is a polyhedron uniquely determined by its projections?

Do there exist uniform triangular prisms with all vertices in $\mathbb Z^3$?

Intersection of hypercube and hyperplane - features of resulting polytope?

Standalone proof of a conditional part of Lagrange’s Four-Square Theorem?

Meaning cone, ray, fan for polytopes

Projection of a point onto a convex polyhedra

How to check whether a convex polyhedron is contained in another convex polyhedron?

Polyhedra vs Polytope

Linear isoparametrics with dual finite elements

Describe an orthoplex as a polyhedron [duplicate]

Writing the unit $\ell_1$-ball in $\mathbb{R}^n$ as the intersection of closed half-spaces

What's the algorithm of finding the convex combination of permutation matrices for a doubly stochastic matrix?

Definition of simplex

In what kind of space does this object live?

Where is the mass of a hypercube?

Characterization of interior points of a convex polytope

How can I visualize a four-dimensional point inside a Schlegel diagram of a tesseract?