New posts in duality-theorems

Recognize that the function is unbounded below

Do groups have Duals?

Intersection Pairing and Poincaré Duality

Understanding Poincare Duality

Solving a linear programming problem using its dual problem.

Every subspace of the dual of a finite-dimensional vector space is an annihilator

How to solve this operation research problem using dual simplex method?

How to prove that the canonical inclusion of $V_1^\ast\otimes \cdots \otimes V_n^\ast$ into $(V_1\otimes\cdots\otimes V_n)^\ast$ is an inclusion

Help me organize these concepts -- KKT conditions and dual problem

Linear isoparametrics with dual finite elements

Are all isomorphisms between the Fano plane and its dual of order two?

Dual and completion of metric spaces

The conjugate function of infimal convolution

Is KKT conditions necessary and sufficient for any convex problems?

Hilbert-valued Schwartz functions

Double dual mappings

Dualizing object in the duality between commutative rings and affine schemes

Prove optimal solution to dual is not unique if optimal solution to the primal is degenerate and unique.

What is the relation between dual spaces and inner product?

Fenchel dual vs Lagrange dual